

Everyone experienced youth, believe in your youth, there are also some make you memorable. However, if you can not hesitate to say: I do not live up to the youth! I think that is not a simple matter. Today, our youth is at hand. So, in this golden age of us how to do it Is the drift and just, or race against time, forging ahead As long as a little-minded people, who would choose the latter. Indeed, life can have a few back stroke Some people may think: re-opened flower on, people no longer young. The students have the rare opportunity, why not left free to happy for a while, to a "live for today" it. However, you may be thought: without fire, and then back to have a century. Ostrovsky in "How the Steel Was Tempered" this masterpiece in so many words: "Life gives us a huge and unlimited noble gift, this is the youth: full power, full of expectations , voluntary, full of knowledge and the struggle of ambition, full of hope and confidence of youth. "Everyone should cherish the youth, because youth is no longer passing back, wait until you regret it was already irreparable. Youth is short, but also the best. We should also understand the youth of this and more precious, cherish our great Love. As the writer Ouyang Xiu Song said: "Sin is the young child was way, like hibiscus, rose early on." Many of the revolutionary predecessors had established in their youth when the ambition to do a major event. Teenager, Zhou Enlai's determined to study the rise of China; young Mao Zedong, the first teacher in Hunan, his ambitious exhibition, writing their own ambitions; Langya Five Heroes, heroic jump off the mountain to the revolution ... ... youth with their revolutionary predecessors for the founding of new China to shed blood, we have created good conditions, and high school students as the new century, we only took in the happy years the task of the builders, their own modest contribution, what is the reason it can wasted years Everyone knows: the charming rainbow from the baptism of rain, abundant fruits from the hard hard. Friends, today we are in the era of competitive survival of the fittest, in front of teachers at the helm, after the parents of fuel, can be described as "favorable." We must, like a sponge absorbing water, as in learning insatiable. Challenges, how can we be intimidated by a number of setbacks and failures it Let a good grasp of youth, learning it through the clouds and fog to fight the directions of the storm petrel; learning to that tall, pine Aoxue by frost. Only thus can the history of your youth under the regrets of a spectrum. Do not afraid of losing, youth is never admit defeat, as long as you work hard, dream finally be realized. Reading, knowledge of the ideal wing. Let us all fly to the ideal plug the wings 每个人都经历过青春,相信在你的青春中也有那么一段令你值得回忆的。但是,你是否可以毫不犹豫地说:我没有辜负青春!我想那并不是一件简单的事。如今,我们的青春就在眼前。那么,处在这黄金时代的我们,该怎么办呢?是随波逐流,得过且过,还是争分夺秒,开拓奋进?只要稍有头脑的人,谁都会选择后者。诚然,人生能有几回搏?也许有人会这样想:花有重开日,人无再少年。此生难得有这个好机会,何不无牵无挂地快乐一阵子,来个“今朝有酒今朝醉”呢。然而,你可想过:一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身。奥斯特洛夫斯基在《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这部名著中有这么一段话:“生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待、志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望和信心的青春。”每个人都要珍惜青春,因为,青春逝去就不再回来了,等到你后悔的时候,已经无法挽回。 青春是短暂的,同时也是最美好的。我们也应为此而更加明白青春的珍贵,珍惜我们的大好年华。正如北宋文学家欧阳修说过:“羡子年少正得路,有如扶桑初日升。”许许多多的革命先辈就已在青春时立大志,做大事了。少年的时候,周恩来就立志为中华的崛起而读书;青年的毛泽东,就在湖南第一师范大展自己的宏图,书写自己的远大抱负;狼牙山五壮士,为革命英勇跳下山去……革命先辈用他们的青春为新中国的成立抛头颅,洒热血,我们创造了良好的条件,而作为新世纪中学生的我们,只在幸福年代接过建设者的任务,贡献自己的微薄之力,又有什么理由可以蹉跎岁月呢? 人人都知道:迷人的彩虹出自大雨的洗礼,丰硕的果实来自辛勤的耕耘。朋友,今天我们正处在优胜劣汰竞争激烈的时代,前有师长掌舵,后有父母加油,可谓“天时地利人和”。我们必须像海绵吸水一样,在学习上永不知足。面对挑战,我们怎能被一些挫折和失败所吓倒呢?让我们好好地把握住青春,学那穿云破雾的海燕去搏击八方的风雨;学那高大挺拔的青松去经霜傲雪。只有如此,才能在你的青春史上谱下无怨无悔的一页。不要怕输,青春是永远不服输的,只要你肯努力,梦想终会实现。读书,知识理想之翅。让我们都为理想插上高飞之翅...