1. New Year's Day (January 1) - The beginning of the year is celebrated with festivities around the world.2. Adults' Day (Japan, January 15) - A day to honor the adults and their contributions to society.3. St. Valentine's Day (February 14) - A day to celebrate love ...
用英文介绍中秋节的来历介绍如下:By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become one of the traditional Chinese festivals, with the same name as the Spring Festival.译文:中秋节始于唐朝初年,盛行于宋朝,至明清时,已成为与春节齐名的中国传统节日之一。The Mid-Autumn Festival is influenced...
写作思路:可以写“端午节”,将端午节吃粽子、划龙舟的缘由详细地描述一下,避免语法使用错误等等。正文:The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is an old custom in China for more than 2000 years. On this day, every family hangs a statue of Zhong Kui, ...
1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)3月3日全国爱耳日 3月5日青年志愿者服务日 3月8日国际妇女节(International Women's Day)3月9日保护母亲河日 3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)3月14日...
谁帮我用英语介绍中国随便一个传统节日200词左右, 万分感谢
春节英文介绍:The Origin of Chinese New Year 中国春节的来历 The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old ...
用英语介绍春节的由来 用英语简述春节的习俗
the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它来历于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活动。按照我国农历,正月 初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、...
中国节日的故事或来历(英文 150字左右 初一水平)
(春节是农历的第一年。春节的另一个名称是春节。它是中国最大、最繁忙、最重要的古代传统节日。它也是中国人独特的节日。)2、It is the most concentrated expression of Chinese civilization. Since the Western Han Dynasty, the custom of Spring Festival has continued to this day. Spring ...
中外节日一并写在里面了 不好意思。元旦(1月1日)---NEW YEAR'S DAY 成人节(日本,1月15日)---ADULTS DAY 情人节(2月14日)---ST.VALENTINE'S DAY (VALENTINE'S DAY)元宵节(阴历1月15日)---LANTERN FESTIVAL 狂欢节(巴西,二月中、下旬)---CARNIVAL 桃花节(日本女孩节,3月3日)---P...
春节英语简短介绍如下:1、The Spring Festival,the Lunar New Year,is the first year of the year and also the traditional"New Year's Day".春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首,亦为传统意义上的“年节”。2、Spring Festival has a long history,which evolved from the first year of prayer ...