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随着高科技的迅猛发展,信息技术已经深入生活中的各个领域。在各种销售企业中,已成为国有经济的主要推动者,并且它们在经济领域的作用越来越大。 进销存管理就是信息技术发展的结果,进销存管理如今是企业经营管理中的重要环节,也是一个企业能够取得效益的关键,如果能够做到及时销售,库存量最小,减少积压,那么企业就能取得最佳的效益。由此可见,进销存管理决策的正确与否直接影响了企业的效益。过去,销售业的操作一般都靠人工操作,通过人手工计算不仅容易出错,而且不能够及时把数据之间的关系形象化表现出来, 销售人员也很难对客户做出正确的供货承诺,部门之间的沟通也经常不畅通,这就减弱了企业在市场中竞争的能力,对企业在激烈竞争的市场中是非常不利的。在计算机科学技术日益发展和成熟的今天,运用计算机先进的技术性来管理企业日常工作中的信息数据,可以极大地提高企业的工作效率。进销存管理系统就是在这种状况下出现的,为中小型企业开辟一条崭新的管理渠道。
本系统以Microsoft公司的可视开发环境VisumBasic 6.0作为主要开发工具,并在VB编程语言中采用ADO数据库编程模型,配合功能强大的SQL查询语言实现建立关系数据库、访问数据库,对数据库的更新较好地实现了预定的需求功能。本文利用VB程序设计和ACCESS数据库,基本实现了库存的日常管理、进货管理和销售管理。

With the rapid development of high technology, information technology has in-depth in all areas of life. Enterprises in a variety of sales, has become the main promoter of state-owned economy, and their role in increasing the economic field. Inventory management is the result of the development of information technology, inventory management is now a business management an important part, is a key business benefits can be achieved, if the timely sales, inventory minimum, to reduce the backlog, then the business will achieve the best results. Thus, inventory management decisions directly affect the correctness of the effectiveness of the enterprise. In the past, marketing industries generally rely on manual operation, not only through human error-prone manual calculation, but not in time to visualize the relationship between the data shown, sales staff is difficult to make the right supplier to customer commitment communication between departments is often not smooth, which reduced the company's ability to compete in the market, the enterprise in a highly competitive market is very negative. Increasing development in computer science and mature today, the use of advanced technical computer to manage the daily work of business information data, can greatly improve the efficiency of enterprises. Inventory management system is in such situations arise, for small and medium enterprises to open up a new management channels.
The project uses a modular design, each sub-module of the system function modules of a specific design, thus completing the functional design of the entire system. In the bookstore inventory management systems administrator through the purchase module, sales module, inventory module of the appropriate action to enable enterprises to manage the orderly carrying out daily.
The system's visual development environment Microsoft VisumBasic 6.0 as the main development tool, and in VB using ADO database programming language, programming model, with a powerful SQL database query language to build relationships, access to the database, update the database is better needs to achieve the intended function. In this paper, and the ACCESS database, VB programming, basically the daily inventory management, purchasing management and sales management.
第1个回答  2010-05-16
long with the rapid development of information technology, the technology has deep life fields. In various sales enterprise, has become the main drivers of state-owned economy, and their role in the economic field. Purchase-sell-stock management is the result of the development of information technology, the purchase-sell-stock management today is an important link in the enterprise management, enterprise can obtain benefit is a key, if can promptly, inventory, sales, reduce the minimum enterprise can obtain the best benefit. Thus, the purchase-sell-stock management decision-making is correct or not directly affect the enterprise's benefit. In the past, marketing MVP operation manual operation, generally by people through manual calculation error, and not only easy to visualize the relationship between the data show that sales personnel also hard to customers make the correct delivery promises, communication between departments are often not clear, it weakens the enterprise in the market competition ability of the enterprise, in the fierce competition in the market is very adverse. In computer science and technology development and mature today, using computer advanced technology enterprises to manage the daily work data, can greatly improve the efficiency of enterprises. Purchase-sell-stock management system is in this situation, for small and medium enterprises to open a new channel.
This program USES modular design method, the system of each module of specific function module design, analysis and design of the whole system function. In this bookstore purchase-sell-stock management system administrator through purchase module, sales module, inventory module, make corresponding to the operation of the daily management of the enterprises in.
This system with Microsoft company visual development environment as the main development tools VisumBasic 6.0 programming languages, and in VB using ADO database programming model, with powerful SQL query language, and establish a relational database access database, database updates to better achieve predetermined demand function. Based on VB programming and ACCESS database, the daily management, inventory management and replenish onr sale management.
第2个回答  2010-05-19