


◆健康危害: 蓄电池电解液对皮肤、粘膜等组织有强烈的刺激和腐蚀作用。充电时电解液气体雾可引起结膜炎、结膜水肿、角膜混浊,;引起呼吸道刺激。口服后引起消化道烧伤以致溃疡形成;严重者可能有胃穿孔、腹膜炎、肾损害、休克等。皮肤灼伤轻者出现红斑、重者形成溃疡,愈后癍痕收缩影响功能。溅入眼内可造成灼伤,甚至角膜穿孔、全眼炎以至失明。环境危害: 对环境有危害,对水体和土壤可造成污染。



废弃处置方法: 应由具有相关资质的单位进行处置。

◆眼睛接触: 立即提起眼睑,用大量流动清水或生理盐水彻底冲洗至少15分钟。就医。
◆吸入: 迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。保持呼吸道通畅。如呼吸困难,给输氧。如呼吸停止,立即进行人工呼吸。就医。
◆食入: 用水漱口,给饮牛奶或蛋清。就医。

◆危险特性: 蓄电池充放电过程中析出的氢氧气体达到一定的浓度时遇到明火会发生爆炸或燃烧。
◆灭火方法: 消防人员必须穿全身耐酸碱消防服。

An inspection report on the battery. To customs transit use. Want to help translate the next master. It is more professional, please do not bring the software translation. I sub-few, but wish to master to be taken seriously.

Translation requirements are as follows:
Lead-acid battery MSDS

■ Risk Overview
◆ health hazards: rechargeable batteries on the skin, mucous membranes and other organizations have strong incentives and corrosion. Charging mist can cause conjunctivitis electrolyte gas, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity,; cause respiratory irritation. Which cause digestive tract burns after oral ulcer; severe cases may have gastric perforation, peritonitis, renal damage, shock. Light skin burns were erythema, severe cases, ulcers form, the more scar contraction after the plaques affect function. Splashing into eyes can cause burns within, or even corneal perforation, blindness and even the whole ophthalmia. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
◆ Explosion risk
This product is encountered during charging and discharging the risk of fire explosion exists.

■ Operating Disposal
Operators must receive special training, strict compliance with operating rules. Proposed operators wear safety glasses, wear rubber acid suit, wear rubber gloves acid. Keep away from fire, heat, workplace smoking. Away from flammable, combustible. Avoid reducing agent, alkali, alkali metal contacts. Moving lightly when unloading. With the appropriate types and quantities of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Dilution or preparation of the electrolyte, the acid should be added to the water to avoid boiling and splashing.

■ Storage
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Library temperature does not exceed 45 ℃, relative humidity less than 75%.

■ Waste Disposal
Waste disposal methods: should be relevant to the disposition of qualified units.

■ Transport Note
This product must be reported prior to shipment. To complete the time of shipment packing, loading should be conservative. Transportation process to ensure that no leak, did not fall, not fall, no damage. With flammable or combustible material is prohibited, reducing agent, alkali, alkali metals, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transportation. Transportation emergency transport vehicles should be equipped with leak-processing equipment. Transportation should prevent exposure, rain, anti-high temperature. Road transportation in accordance with the provisions of routes.
■ First aid measures
◆ Skin Contact: If splashed on skin, electrolyte test first go with a dry cloth, then rinse with plenty of water, and finally rinse with baking soda solution, seriously should be immediately taken to the hospital.
◆ eye contact: immediately filed eyelid, with a large number of mobile water or saline thoroughly washed at least 15 minutes. Medical treatment.
◆ Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stop immediately mouth. Medical treatment.
◆ Ingestion: Wash out mouth, to blues or egg white. Medical treatment.
◆ NOTE: The body to prevent skin contact. With a cotton puff of sulfuric acid to the skin, then a large number of mobile water rinse, and finally with 0.01% of the soda water (or dilute ammonia water) immersion. Do not directly wash!!

■ Fire-fighting measures
◆ risk features: battery charging and discharging process of precipitation reaches a certain concentration of hydrogen gas when the flame will experience an explosion or combustion.
◆ Hazardous combustion products: hydrogen, oxygen.
◆ fire fighting methods: Firemen must wear a fire suit body acid.
◆ extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.
第1个回答  2010-08-09
■ Risk Overview
◆ health hazards: rechargeable batteries on the skin, mucous membranes and other organizations have strong incentives and corrosion. Charging mist can cause conjunctivitis electrolyte gas, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity,; cause respiratory irritation. Which cause digestive tract burns after oral ulcer; severe cases may have gastric perforation, peritonitis, renal damage, shock. Light skin burns were erythema, severe cases, ulcers form, the more scar contraction after the plaques affect function. Splashing into eyes can cause burns within, or even corneal perforation, blindness and even the whole ophthalmia. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
◆ Explosion risk
This product is encountered during charging and discharging the risk of fire explosion exists.

■ Operating Disposal
Operators must receive special training, strict compliance with operating rules. Proposed operators wear safety glasses, wear rubber acid suit, wear rubber gloves acid. Keep away from fire, heat, workplace smoking. Away from flammable, combustible. Avoid reducing agent, alkali, alkali metal contacts. Moving lightly when unloading. With the appropriate types and quantities of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Dilution or preparation of the electrolyte, the acid should be added to the water to avoid boiling and splashing.

■ Storage
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Library temperature does not exceed 45 ℃, relative humidity less than 75%.

■ Waste Disposal
Waste disposal methods: should be relevant to the disposition of qualified units.

■ Transport Note
This product must be reported prior to shipment. To complete the time of shipment packing, loading should be conservative. Transportation process to ensure that no leak, did not fall, not fall, no damage. With flammable or combustible material is prohibited, reducing agent, alkali, alkali metals, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transportation. Transportation emergency transport vehicles should be equipped with leak-processing equipment. Transportation should prevent exposure, rain, anti-high temperature. Road transportation in accordance with the provisions of routes.
■ First aid measures
◆ Skin Contact: If splashed on skin, electrolyte test first go with a dry cloth, then rinse with plenty of water, and finally rinse with baking soda solution, seriously should be immediately taken to the hospital.
◆ eye contact: immediately filed eyelid, with a large number of mobile water or saline thoroughly washed at least 15 minutes. Medical treatment.
◆ Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stop immediately mouth. Medical treatment.
◆ Ingestion: Wash out mouth, to blues or egg white. Medical treatment.
◆ NOTE: The body to prevent skin contact. With a cotton puff of sulfuric acid to the skin, then a large number of mobile water rinse, and finally with 0.01% of the soda water (or dilute ammonia water) immersion. Do not directly wash!!

■ Fire-fighting measures
◆ risk features: battery charging and discharging process of precipitation reaches a certain concentration of hydrogen gas when the flame will experience an explosion or combustion.
◆ Hazardous combustion products: hydrogen, oxygen.
◆ fire fighting methods: Firemen must wear a fire suit body acid.
◆ extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.
第2个回答  2010-08-10
绝对正确的是我哈哈哈■ Risk Overview
◆ health hazards: rechargeable batteries on the skin, mucous membranes and other organizations have strong incentives and corrosion. Charging mist can cause conjunctivitis electrolyte gas, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity,; cause respiratory irritation. Which cause digestive tract burns after oral ulcer; severe cases may have gastric perforation, peritonitis, renal damage, shock. Light skin burns were erythema, severe cases, ulcers form, the more scar contraction after the plaques affect function. Splashing into eyes can cause burns within, or even corneal perforation, blindness and even the whole ophthalmia. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
◆ Explosion risk
This product is encountered during charging and discharging the risk of fire explosion exists.

■ Operating Disposal
Operators must receive special training, strict compliance with operating rules. Proposed operators wear safety glasses, wear rubber acid suit, wear rubber gloves acid. Keep away from fire, heat, workplace smoking. Away from flammable, combustible. Avoid reducing agent, alkali, alkali metal contacts. Moving lightly when unloading. With the appropriate types and quantities of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Dilution or preparation of the electrolyte, the acid should be added to the water to avoid boiling and splashing.

■ Storage
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Library temperature does not exceed 45 ℃, relative humidity less than 75%.

■ Waste Disposal
Waste disposal methods: should be relevant to the disposition of qualified units.

■ Transport Note
This product must be reported prior to shipment. To complete the time of shipment packing, loading should be conservative. Transportation process to ensure that no leak, did not fall, not fall, no damage. With flammable or combustible material is prohibited, reducing agent, alkali, alkali metals, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transportation. Transportation emergency transport vehicles should be equipped with leak-processing equipment. Transportation should prevent exposure, rain, anti-high temperature. Road transportation in accordance with the provisions of routes.
■ First aid measures
◆ Skin Contact: If splashed on skin, electrolyte test first go with a dry cloth, then rinse with plenty of water, and finally rinse with baking soda solution, seriously should be immediately taken to the hospital.
◆ eye contact: immediately filed eyelid, with a large number of mobile water or saline thoroughly washed at least 15 minutes. Medical treatment.
◆ Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stop immediately mouth. Medical treatment.
◆ Ingestion: Wash out mouth, to blues or egg white. Medical treatment.
◆ NOTE: The body to prevent skin contact. With a cotton puff of sulfuric acid to the skin, then a large number of mobile water rinse, and finally with 0.01% of the soda water (or dilute ammonia water) immersion. Do not directly wash!!

■ Fire-fighting measures
◆ risk features: battery charging and discharging process of precipitation reaches a certain concentration of hydrogen gas when the flame will experience an explosion or combustion.
◆ Hazardous combustion products: hydrogen, oxygen.
◆ fire fighting methods: Firemen must wear a fire suit body acid.
◆ extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.
第3个回答  2010-08-09
A health hazard: battery electrolyte membrane on the skin, as a group, and corrosion. When the battery electrolyte gas fog can cause conjunctivitis, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity. Cause irritation to the respiratory tract. After oral ulceration that caused alimentary tract burns, Or may have WeiChuanKong, peritonitis, renal impairment, shock, etc. Minor burns skin appears erythema, formed after the person Ban mark ulceration, shrinkage effect function. It can cause burns splash, even corneal perforation, and ophthalmialogy blindness. Environmental harm: is harmful to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
A bums danger
This product encountered in the process of charging and discharging risk of explosive flame.

S operation disposal
Operators must receive special training, strictly abide by the procedures. Wear protective glasses suggestion operators, wear rubber acidproof alkali, wear rubber acidproof alkali glove. Away from direct sunlight, heat and workplace forbids smoking. Away from combustible, burnable. Avoid reductant, alkali, alkali metal contact. When transporting light light. Equipped with corresponding quantity and variety of fire fighting equipment and emergency handling equipment. Dilute preparation electrolyte, or should be, avoid boiling water acid to join and splash.

S storage
Stored in a cool, well-ventilated area. No more than 45 degrees Celsius temperature, relative humidity, no more than 75%.

S disposal
The disposal methods: by the relevant qualifications shall be the unit for disposal.

S transport matters needing attention
This product shall be submitted before shipment. When packing to complete departure, loading shall be safe. The transport process to ensure no leakage, not collapsed, don't fall, no damage. With no combustible or fuel, reducing, alkali, alkali, edible chemicals etc. Be mixed. When the transportation vehicles shall be equipped with emergency handling equipment. Transit should prevent insolation, rain and high temperature. According to the regulation of road transportation route when driving.
S emergency measures
A skin contact: such as electrolyte splashed onto the skin with dry cloth, then try to use a final rinse with water and soda solution flush, serious when should send a hospital immediately.
A eye contact: immediately filed with plenty of liquid water, eyelids or saline thoroughly flushed at least 15 minutes. Seek medical advice.
Inhalation: rapid off-site aiming to fresh air. Maintain airway patency. If breathing difficulties, for oxygen. If stopped breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth breathing. Seek medical advice.
Should eat: water gargle, to drink the milk or egg white. Seek medical advice.
Attention: the body to prevent skin should direct contact with cotton cloth first. On the skin to absorb sulfuric acid, reoccupy large flow, finally using 0.01% wash the soda water (or dilute aqua ammonia). Do not directly flush!!!!!!

S fire control measures
A dangerous characteristics: storage battery charging and discharging of hydrogen gas separation process reaches a certain concentration when fire explode or burning.
A harmful combustion: hydrogen and oxygen.
A method of fire: fire personnel must wear a systemic naisuanjian fire.
Agent: powder, aiming carbon dioxide, sandy.
第4个回答  2010-08-09