帮我检查下我写的这段英文有语法错误吗 跪求各位大神了

Take me for example. When I started school in September ,myheart always have a sense of loss and frustration,Becausesuddenly there are many capable peoplearound me, I always felt inferior to others. Then I realized, too care aboutthe opinions of others, will only make me missed a lot of happiness.In fact, sometimes suddenly come up witha good idea, draw a funny cartoon, even find my flowers grow taller, which canmake me very happy, be full of happiness. happinessalways been with us,The keyis how to find it, understand it, feel it, and create it.

Take me for example(书面文章不要用口头句型,直接For example就好)When I started school in September ,myheart (用I作主语就可以) always have (过去式had) a sense of loss and frustration. Because suddenly there are (过去式were) many capable people around me, I always felt inferior to others.(这句写得不错) Then I realized, too care (caring too much动名词作主语) about the opinions of others, will only make me missed (miss原型)a lot of happiness.In fact, sometimes (漏了个I吧,后面动词都改过去式)suddenly come up with a good idea, draw a funny cartoon, even find my flowers grow taller, which can make me very happy, be full of happiness(此be短句多余,且不合语法). happiness (漏了has) always been with us,The key is how to find it, understand it, feel it, and create it (保留最后一个it即可).