

Today's whether is sunny and clear. Mr.Chen take us to work in the farmland. Look! There are so many variety of fruits, apples, pears, orange...It made me sign: "Wow! Beautiful!" Then, everybody start to work. Mr. Chen was picking apples with us, some girls helped carring the ladders, and the boys used the ladder to pick down the apples. The rest of the classmates are busy putting the baskets on the truck. The apples are so big and gorgeous, looks like the color of the setting sun. A bite on the apple- Eh? The taste is just perfect, not too sweet nor sour. We work really hard in the farm for all day long. Everybody are laughing when the truck with full of apples went. Last, uncle Wang invite us eating dinner with him.
有些句子会出现矛盾,像 "Everybody [are] laughing when the truck with full of apples [went]. 全部现在试会变成
"Everybody [are] laughing when the truck with full of apples [go]." 应该有前因后果,这句里面没有。到底是车子先走还是人先笑车子在走。
第1个回答  2009-08-22
Today the weather was clear and sunny. Chen farm with us to hard labor. Look! There are a variety of fruits, there are apples, pears, orange ~ ~ ~ ~ had to let me a sigh: "Oh, too beautiful!" And then we start working. Chen also picked apples with us. The help of some girls were holding the ladder, while the boys climbed on a ladder picking apples. Other students are busy putting on the truck. The students picked apples big red, red sun looks like. Bite, Hey! Non-acid-sweet, just right! The students all day to work on the farm. Watching trucks go much of the apple and we sweat, we all laughed happily! Finally, Wang uncle invited us to eat dinner.
第2个回答  2009-08-22
It's clear and sunny today. Chen took us to the farm to work. Look! There are many kinds of fruits, apples, pears, orange ~ ~ ~ ~ have to let me exclamation sentence: "oh, it's beautiful!" Then, we began to work. Chen and pick apples. Some girls are to hold ladders, and boys climbed the ladder to pick apples. The other students are busy put the basket on the truck. Students pick apples big red, looks like the red sun. Bite, hey! No, not just good acid sweet! Students in farm work all day. At the big apple lorry walk and sweat, we all laughed happily! Finally, Uncle wang invited us to eat dinner.
第3个回答  2009-08-22
Today the clear weather, the sunlight is beautiful. Mr./Mrs. Chen leads us to go to the farm to be the hard labor. Looked! Here has various fruits, has the apple, the pear, orange ~~~~ can not but let me sigh one: “oh, has been too attractive!”Then, everybody starts to work. Mr./Mrs. Chen also together picks the apple with us. Some female students help to hold the ladder, but the male students climb up the ladder to pick the apple. Other schoolmates in are busy at putting the basket to the truck on. Schoolmates pick the apple greatly is red, seems likely the red sun. Nips one, well! Not sour is not sweet, was just good! Schoolmates one diligently work all day in the farm. Looks that the truck carried the big apple and everybody's sweat, we smiled happily! Finally, Uncle Wang asked us to have the supper.
第4个回答  2009-08-31
第5个回答  2009-08-31
如果你们老师不让用过去时,那就是你们老师脑子有问题,你可以考虑更换班级了 。
Today's whether 就很有问题,拼写错误还是其次,用法就不对,最好用Today the weather is,还有 Mr.Chen take 应是 Mr.Chen takes 还有so many variety of fruits不对,so many和variety of根本不能连用