
一日一个乞丐对路人说:“能不能给我一百块钱?”路人答道:“我只有八十块钱。” 乞丐又说:“那你就欠我二十块钱吧”

One day a begger asked a pedestrian:"Can you give me a hundred yuan?"
The pedestrian answered:"I have only eighty yuan." The begger said:"So you owe me twenty."
Some people always think others owe them and the God gives them less and worse,the thought of asking have taken the place of the heart to thank.
第1个回答  2009-06-08
A beggar on the 1st of the passers-by said: "I can not give money to 100?" Passers-by answered: "I am only 80 money." Beggar said: "That's your money you owe me 20"
Some people thought it was owed to his God, that God gives old enough, not good enough, greed has long been the wish to replace the heart of Thanksgiving.