

1 appeal for 呼吁 He appealed for his parents' forgiveness. 他恳求他的双亲宽恕他。 2 appeal to 向…呼吁; 向…请求 By appealing to his better nature, we persuaded him to change his mind. 我们唤醒了他的良知, 劝他改变了主意。 向…投诉 She appealed to a higher court. 她向上级法院上诉。 诉诸武力 The two disputing countries decided not to appeal to arms. 这两个有争端的国家决定不诉诸武力。 对…有吸引力 This job rather appeals to me. 这工作对我有吸引力。 3 appeal [ə‘pi:l] n. 呼吁, 恳求 His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered. 他恳请原谅, 但没有得到答复。 感染力, 吸引力 This kind of music hasn't much appeal for me. 这类音乐对我没有吸引力。 vi. 呼吁 有吸引力 This job rather appeals to me. 这工作对我有吸引力。 vt. & vi. 上诉 Five times he appealed the case, always losing. 他上诉五次, 都失败了 4 appeal against 提起上诉 She will appeal against the judge's decision. 她要对判决提出上诉。 5 appeal from 提起上诉 He appealed from the judgement. 他不服裁决而上诉。
第1个回答  2010-09-16
1.作“在-------期间,当----的时候”引导时间状语从句.注意与when、 while的用法区别。
①下列情形时,只用as, 而不用when或while。
1)用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,指一边----一边. 如:
The girl sings as she goes to school.
He looked behind occasionally as he went forward in the forest.
As time went on / by, she became more and more beautiful .
As children get older, they become more and more interested in everything.
3)表示两个短暂行为或事情几乎同时发生.如:I watched her as she read the book.
I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.
Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.
As a young man, he was active in sports.
②when作"当……的时候"解,可以指较短的(一点)时间,也可指一段时间。如:When I was at college, I could speak several foreign languages. When the clock struck twelve, I had slept for 2hours.
③ while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词同时发生。如:Work while you work. Play while you play.
2. As =Since 作"既然"、"由于"解,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。如: As he’s been ill for ages, I will help him.
As / Since you're not feeling well, you may stay at home.
As he wasn't ready , we went without him.
3. As =in the way that作"像"、"按照……的方式"解,引导方式状语从句。如:
Do as I told you.
Remember, you must do everything as I do.
4. 用于as--- as或not / so/ as ---- as中,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。如:They helped the old as much as possible.
I don't speak English so/ as well as she does.
5. 表示虽然,尽管 等,引导让步状语从句,常用倒装语序,模式为:
adj. /adv. / n.+as +主语+谓语+主句。如: Young as he is, he knows much.
Tired as they were, they walked on.
6. 表示也------一样。 She is a doctor, as was her husband.
(二)、 as作关系代词,引导定语从句,表示正如,这一点.如:
He is very careful, as we all know.
As is well-known, Taiwan belongs to China.
另外,当先行词被the same, such等词修饰时,常用as来引导定语从句。如:
Such a clever girl as she can learn anything quickly.
I was reading the same book as he bought yesterday.
1.表示好像。如:He dressed as a policeman.
2. 表示作为当作。如:I found a job as a guide.
3. 当某人是某身份时。如:As a child , she was sent to abroad.
4. as引导的介词短语大多用作状语,as译为"作为";少数情况可引起宾语补足语。如:
As a Party member, I'll take the lead in everything. (状语)
She works as a model. (状语)
She has me as one of her best friends.(引起宾语补足语)
(四)、作副词的用法 1 表示与------等同。如:This dress is twice as expensive as that one. 2 像,如等。如:As before, he remained unmoved.

同样地, 一样地
She is as tall as her mother.
As a schoolboy, he showed every sign of genius.
当他还是个小学生的时候, 就显示出了天资聪慧。
(表示方式)以…的身份, 以…资格, 作为; 以…形式, 以作为; 以…角色, 扮演…角色; 如同, 像
(表示结果)成为, 看作, 看成
We had better treat it as a joke.
(表示目的)为了, 以…为目的
The dykes were built as a protection against the sea.
(表示举例)例如, 诸如…之类的
We talked about such subjects as the weather.
在…期间, 当…时候
I was coming in as he was going out.
我进来的时候, 他正出去。
尽管, 即使, 虽然
Intelligent as you are, I suspect you will fail.
尽管你聪明, 我猜想你会失败。
由于, 因为
As you weren't there I left a message.
因为你不在那里, 我留了个信儿。


also的弱化形式;中古英语as, ase<古英语alswa


(pl. asses [??siz])阿斯

