

从最左顺时针填: ?f?cab

a. sweaty palm
d. faster heart beating
e.speed tremor?( not sure)
c.memory goes blank
f.dry mouth

Ooh, I'm nervous!
I'm scared to death.
My heart is pounding like a drum.
And I'm out of breath.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
I can't think straight.
My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,
and I just can't concentrate.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!
My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,
and I can't even get myself dressed.
I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
It's my opening night.
I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,
And I'm beside myself with fright.
I've got butterflies in my stomach.
And look at my hands!
They shake!
I try to get to sleep at night.
But I lie there wide awake ...
'cause I'm nervous!
And it's easy to see.
I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.
I'm anxious and panicky.
Ooh, I'm nervous!
Yeah, I'm nervous!
第1个回答  2015-05-08
你知道横线上要填的单词么,d 和e不知道要填什么单词,所以不知道对应什么部位

a. sweaty palms 流汗的手掌
d. faster h____ b_____
b. butterflies 忐忑不安—心脏
e. speed t______
c. mind goes blank 思维一片空白——大脑
f. dry mouth 口干——嘴巴追问

thanks so much
