
1、The robot is production of science progressed,It can help humans to do some things,For example,do housework,clean the rubbish,even discover other planet,and It can do some things that the people usually do,such as sing,dance and so on,It can bring happy for people,Lately,There is a new robot in Japan,It called pet robot,It can imitate human to do some complex action,It likes pet to bring happy for people,and It don't bring trouble and dangerous,It is worth process.

2、Lately,A toy exhibition was conducted in America,In the exhibition,Many new toy were exhibited,A toy company of America producted a new toy of car race,It's allowed many cars race together,A toy company of Japan producted U2 robot is popular of people.And many other new toys are popular of people too.Some toy exhibition usually is conducted is America.Many toy companies will exhibition their new toy in exhibition.

The robot is production of science progressed.
production前应该加冠词a ,这里不符合零冠词的条件。
“science progressed”应该改成“science development”,原来的说法用词不准确,而且语法也有问题,说不通。

It can help humans to do some things。
应该是“many things”才能表示出“很多事”。

do housework,clean the rubbish,even discover other planet

the people


bring happy for people
是“bring happiness to people”,bring后加名词happiness,加“to sb.”

It called pet robot.
应该是“It is called pet robot”,call应该用被动语态“它被称为”。

some complex action

It likes pet to bring happy for people.
like作“像”不是动词,也不能用for。应该是“It can bring happiness to people like a pet”

It don't bring trouble and dangerous.
应该用第三人称单数。因为是否定,所以用or而不是and。要用名词danger而不是形容词dangerous。改成“It doesn't bring any trouble or danger”

It is worth process.

Many new toy
用复数“Many new toys”

car race
用动名词car racing

It's allowed many cars race together
没必要用被动语态。allow加“to do”。改成“It allowed many cars to race together”。

A toy company of Japan producted U2 robot is popular of people.
这个句子有两套主谓,句法错误。另外,popular不用加上“of people”,下句亦同。改成“A toy company of Japan produced the U2 robot which is very popular”

Some toy exhibition usually is conducted is America.
应该说“America often conduct toy exhibitions”,否则语义有误。

Many toy companies will exhibition their new toy in exhibition.
首先,这里应该用现在时,因为说的是紧接上一句的“经常”。应该用动词exhibite而非名词exhibition。另外后一个toy应用复数,因为不止一件玩具要展出。改成“Many toy companies exhibite their new toys in the exhibitions”

第1个回答  2007-02-02
很明显里面什么做家去等等的词组,都要用动名词,doing housework,同样后面的唱歌什么也是的singing ,dancing
It can bring happy for people,这句最好说which can bring happiness to people
而且它不会给你带来任何麻烦和危险,是非常值得拥有的 ,这句我翻的话会说morever it won't bring any troubles or danders to people,which is worth to have it.
第2个回答  2007-02-02
It can help human beings do a lot of things.
第3个回答  2007-02-02