
Don't think your English is good,for me,you is just a beginner! So don't speak English when we chat.

第二句中you要搭配are而不是is,第一句有点中式英语,外国人不会这么说,建议改成Don`t think you speak English very wel.l
第1个回答  2010-10-31
你都鄙视人家是“binginner"了 还让人你要班门弄斧 那说明你是高手啊 还需要人家来帮你看看有无语法错误?
都不让人家在交谈中说英语 你又还用英语来警告 真是矛盾啊
第2个回答  2010-11-02
I don't think your English is good. You are just a beginner to me! I don't want you to use English to chat with me.
第3个回答  2010-11-02
Don't think your English is good. To me, you are just a beginner. So don't speak English when we are chatting.