

In daily life, we might have some conflicts with our friends and family. How do we resolve these conflicts? Please kindly listen to my sentences below, it may help us to calm the atmosphere whenever there is a conflict happens.

We already learn these sentences, and I hope that they can be used while resolving conflicts.
第1个回答  2010-11-21
Chances are that we may have conflicts with our friends or our family. How shall we deal with the conflicts? Now I'd like to share with you some useful tips on how to ease the tension of conflicts. Now that we've got all these tips, I hope they can be of some help in case of conflicts.
第2个回答  2010-11-21
In our daily life, conflicts and disputes among us, our friends and familes are inevitable. So what should we do with this conflicts when they occur? Now let me introduce you these sentences, which can lighten the atmosphere in the conflicts.

Now we have already learnt these sentences, I hope they will provide help when you encounter/have conflict with friends.
