
据记载,世界上现存的鳄鱼类共有20余种, 鳄鱼除少数生活在温带地区外,大多生活在热带亚热带地区的河流,湖泊和多水的沼泽,也有的生活在靠近海岸的浅滩中。它脸长、嘴长,有所谓“世上之王,莫如鳄鱼”之说。鳄鱼富有观赏价值。鳄鱼还具多种药用保健功效。鳄鱼全身是宝。其皮加工成高级皮鞋、腰带、精制皮等。鳄鱼也是名贵食用佳肴。其肉味美且营养丰富,内藏可以入药
鳄鱼形象狰狞丑陋,生性凶恶暴戾,行动十分灵活。一般在白天它伏睡在林阴之下或潜 游水底,夜间外出觅食。它极善潜水,可在水底潜伏10小时以上。和家族中的兄弟姐妹一样,鳄鱼虽然个体庞大,却是卵生。其寿命一般可长达70岁~80 岁,多的可达100多岁。雌鳄长到12岁时性成熟,开始生儿育女,至40岁左右,停止生育。
鳄鱼看似凶恶,其实它胆子很小,有的小鳄鱼甚至会因受惊而生病,如中国扬子鳄,一 遇有人走近,它立即钻洞躲藏。鳄鱼很少主动袭击人类,相反,经过训练,它还可以与人合作表演。任人抚摸、亲吻、骑乘,甚至张大嘴巴让人把头伸进去,以此惊险动作供人观赏。

According to the record, in the world the extant alligator fish altogether has 20 kinds, the alligator besides the minority life in the temperate zone area, mostly lives in the tropics subtropics area rivers, the lake and the juicy bog, also some lives in approach the seacoast in the shoal. Its face is long, 嘴长, has "in the world so-called the king, it would be better if alligator" saying. The alligator richly watches the value. The alligator also has the many kinds of for medicinal purposes health care effect. The alligator whole body is a treasure. Its skin processes the high-quality leather shoes, the waistband, fine 制皮 and so on. The alligator also is the precious edible delicacies. Its meat taste America also nutrition rich, Inner Tibet may 入药 because its whole body is valuable, therefore, in the world some countries positively develop the alligator cultivation industry. As the saying goes "alligator's tear", actually but actually really is not false. The alligator really can flow the tear, only that certainly is not is sad because of it, but is it is draining in vivo unnecessary salinity. . The alligator kidney excretion function is very imperfect, in vivo unnecessary salinity, must depend on one kind of special salty gland to drain. Alligator image fierce ugly, natural disposition 凶恶 cruel, the motion is extremely nimble. It Fu Shui is under water generally cloudy in the daytime in the forest or dives swims, at night egresses looks for food. It extremely friendly dives, may above the under water ambush 10 hours. The sisters are same with family's in brothers, the alligator although the individual is huge, actually is the egg lives. Its life generally may long reach 70 year old of ~ 80 years old, are many may reach over 100 years old. Female alligator as long as 12 years old when the nature is mature, starts to bear children, to 40 years old about, stops giving birth. The alligator looked resembles 凶恶, its courage very is actually small, some small alligators even can because of frightened fall ill, if Chinese Yangzi alligator, as soon as meets some people to approach, it drills a hole to hide immediately. The alligator very little initiative attack humanity, on the contrary, the process training, it also may cooperate the performance with the person. Lets the person to stroke, the kiss, to ride rides, even publicizes the mouth to let the person put in, watches by this thrilling feat for the person. Obviously alligator's economic value is high. Carries on the artificial raising benefit to it better, what is famous in Thailand pulls difference Long Huyuan, 8 years cultivate alligator more than 60,000, push them to the market, have become native's money tree. Obviously, alligator to human society's economical development, also has made a contribution
第1个回答  2006-12-09
According to the record, in the world the extant alligator fishaltogether has 20 kinds, the alligator besides the minority life inthe temperate zone area, mostly lives in the tropics subtropics arearivers, the lake and the juicy bog, also some lives in approach theseacoast in the shoal. Its face is long,mouth is long, has "in the worldso-called the king, it would be better if alligator" saying. Thealligator richly watches the value. The alligator also has the manykinds of for medicinal purposes health care effect. The alligatorwhole body is a treasure. Its skin processes the high-quality leathershoes, the waistband, fine leather and so on. The alligator also is theprecious edible delicacies. Its meat taste America also the nutritionare rich, Inner Tibet may medicine.
Because its whole body is valuable, therefore, in the worldsome countries positively develop the alligator cultivation industry.
As the saying goes "alligator's tear", actually but actually really isnot false. The alligator really can flow the tear, only that certainlyis not is sad because of it, but is it is draining in vivo unnecessarysalinity. . The alligator kidney excretion function is very imperfect,in vivo unnecessary salinity, must depend on one kind of special saltygland to drain.
Alligator image fierce ugly, natural disposition cruel, themotion is extremely nimble. It Fu Shui is under water generally cloudyin the daytime in the forest or dives swims, at night egresses looksfor food. It extremely friendly dives, may above the under waterambush 10 hours. The sisters are same with family's in brothers, thealligator although the individual is huge, actually is the egg lives.Its life generally may long reach 70 year old of ~ 80 years old, aremany may reach over 100 years old. Female alligator as long as 12years old when the nature is mature, starts to bear children, to 40years old about, stops giving birth.
The alligator looked resembles wicked, its courage very is actuallysmall, some small alligators even can because of frightened fall ill,if Chinese Yangzi alligator, as soon as meets some people to approach,it drills a hole to hide immediately. The alligator very littleinitiative attack humanity, on the contrary, the process training, italso may cooperate the performance with the person. Lets the person tostroke, the kiss, to ride rides, even publicizes the mouth to let theperson put in, watches by this thrilling feat for the person.
Obviously alligator's economic value is high. Carries on theartificial raising benefit to it better, what is famous in Thailandpulls difference Long Huyuan, 8 years cultivate alligator more than60,000, push them to the market, have become native's money tree.Obviously, alligator to human society's economical development, alsohas made a contribution
第2个回答  2006-12-05
According to the records, there are over twenty types of alligators in the world. Except for a small number of species living in lukewarm climates, most live in tropical rivers, lakes, swamps, and even the shallow shores of nearby seasides. Their long faces and jaws lead to the phrase "when surveying kings of the world, there's none like the alligator". Possessing great aesthetic appeal, they also have numerous medical and therapeutic values. Even their bodies yield highly useful parts: their skin can be manufactured into classy leather shoes, belts, furs, etc.; they also make delicious if expensive menu items, irresistible meat dishes of incomparable delicacy and nutrition.

Due to their full-bodied value, certain countries actually create alligator farm industries. Remember the old saying about "an alligator's tears" (meaning feigning sadness to get something)? In actuality, they really DO "cry". However, it isn't due to sincerity or anything of the sort, but is rather a simple excretion of the overabundance of salt in their systems. Their kidneys' excretion abilities aren't too perfected, so this is the rather interesting way in which they get rid of excessive saturation. They naturally appear hideous to the point of being ghastly, with aggressive natures, and swift movements. During the day, they prefer to sleep under the forest's shadows or dive underwater, leaving hunting to the night. They're expert scuba-divers that can stay under for over ten hours. Like others of their reptilien family, despite their bulk, they are oviparous. With a lifespan of up to 70, even 80 years old, some can even reach the next century. Females mature sexually at age 12, then give birth and nurture their children, ending menstruation in their forties.

Appearances are often deceiving. Their ferociousness aside, alligators can't help but be cowards. Some little ones can even get sick from fright alone, such as the Chinese Yangzi alligator: as soon as anyone approaches, it would immediately hide in the nearest hole. Alligators rarely attack humans actively. In fact, after training, they can collaborate with us and perform amazing stunts of being petted, kissed, ridden -even opening wide to let people put their heads in for the viewing pleasure of spectators. As can be seen, alligators' economic values reign supreme with human-induced feeding and caring systems. In the infamous Si Racha Tiger Zoo in Thailand, they've nurtured over sixty thousand alligators within the span of eight years, marketed them, and made them into the locals' money trees. Clearly, alligators have made quite a tribute to civilization and economic development.
第3个回答  2006-12-05

According to the record, in the world the extant alligator fishaltogether has 20 kinds, the alligator besides the minority life inthe temperate zone area, mostly lives in the tropics subtropics arearivers, the lake and the juicy bog, also some lives in approach theseacoast in the shoal. Its face is long,mouth is long, has "in the worldso-called the king, it would be better if alligator" saying. Thealligator richly watches the value. The alligator also has the manykinds of for medicinal purposes health care effect. The alligatorwhole body is a treasure. Its skin processes the high-quality leathershoes, the waistband, fine leather and so on. The alligator also is theprecious edible delicacies. Its meat taste America also the nutritionare rich, Inner Tibet may medicine.
Because its whole body is valuable, therefore, in the worldsome countries positively develop the alligator cultivation industry.


As the saying goes "alligator's tear", actually but actually really isnot false. The alligator really can flow the tear, only that certainlyis not is sad because of it, but is it is draining in vivo unnecessarysalinity. . The alligator kidney excretion function is very imperfect,in vivo unnecessary salinity, must depend on one kind of special saltygland to drain.
Alligator image fierce ugly, natural disposition cruel, themotion is extremely nimble. It Fu Shui is under water generally cloudyin the daytime in the forest or dives swims, at night egresses looksfor food. It extremely friendly dives, may above the under waterambush 10 hours. The sisters are same with family's in brothers, thealligator although the individual is huge, actually is the egg lives.Its life generally may long reach 70 year old of ~ 80 years old, aremany may reach over 100 years old. Female alligator as long as 12years old when the nature is mature, starts to bear children, to 40years old about, stops giving birth.


The alligator looked resembles wicked, its courage very is actuallysmall, some small alligators even can because of frightened fall ill,if Chinese Yangzi alligator, as soon as meets some people to approach,it drills a hole to hide immediately. The alligator very littleinitiative attack humanity, on the contrary, the process training, italso may cooperate the performance with the person. Lets the person tostroke, the kiss, to ride rides, even publicizes the mouth to let theperson put in, watches by this thrilling feat for the person.
Obviously alligator's economic value is high. Carries on theartificial raising benefit to it better, what is famous in Thailandpulls difference Long Huyuan, 8 years cultivate alligator more than60,000, push them to the market, have become native's money tree.Obviously, alligator to human society's economical development, alsohas made a contribution
第4个回答  2006-12-06

According to the literature, there are around 20 species of crocodile exist in the world. Most of them are found in the rivers or lakes or swamps of the tropical zone, some are found along the costal line. Only a few are found in the subtropical zone.

Crocodile has long face and long mouth, and is also known as "King of the Nature". There are many herbs originated from crocodile. Its skin can be processed into high quality shoes, belt and furs. Its flesh is tasty and rich in nutrients. Its internal organ is famous for medicinal use. That's why some countries develop crocodile farm industry.

There is a proverb of "Crocodile tear". Crocodile is capable of tearing. Tearing helps to excrete excessive salt outside its body in order to compensate the imperfect function of the excretory function of its kidney.

The appearance of crocodile is awful and ugly. They are furious and fast moving. During the day, crocodile sleeps in the shadow of the forest or dive in the water. They prey for food at night. Crocodile is good in diving, and can stay in the water for more than 10 hours. Despite of their large body, they lay eggs and their life span is around 70 to 80 years, some may reach the age of 100 years. Female crocodiles become sexually mature at the age of 12, and begin to breed until they reach the age of 40.

The furious appearance of crocodile is deceiving. In fact, they are easily frightened or even get ill. For example, the Chinese Yangtze crocodiles hide themselves in the caves when enemy approaches. Crocodile seldoms attack man, in the contrary, tamed-crocodiles can even perform with man like touching, kissing, be ridden or open their mouth to let man put their heads in.

The economic value of crocodile is very high. Si Racha Tiger Zoo in Thailand is famous for artificial breeding of crocodiles and sales of crocodile products, and contributed to the economic development of human society.本回答被网友采纳