
A Brief History of Disneyland

Disneyland has seen 50 summers pass in procession since its gates first opened July 17, 1955. Forty-five summers of parades and fireworks, of Mickey and Minnie, of playing host to people from all over the world.

Over the years, Disneyland has acquired the unmistakable characteristics of a national institution. It is a "must see" destination for any visitor to the western United States. Many Californian regard Disneyland as one of the states natural assets - like the Pacific Ocean or the Redwood forests. It is indeed a place for all ages.

Sometimes it is hard to remember that before there was a Disneyland... there was only a vision and a dream of one man - Walt Disney.The vision and dream was made possible with some empty sketch pads, canvases and a few sandwiches. It was these first "sketches" of "The Happiest Place on Earth" that provided Walt and Roy Disney the ability to secure the necessary financial backing to build Disneyland.

Inspired and led by Walt Disney over a long weekend in September 1953, artist Herbert Dickens Ryman was selected by Walt Disney as his master imagineer to bring the dream to reality...Disneyland is more than just buildings, attractions and adventures.

It is a virtual "masterpiece" in the making. Virtually every square inch of Disneyland - every building, street corner, attraction, store interior - in fact every little detail from lampposts to trash cans are inspired by a painting, drawing or piece of sculpture... it is the artist's vision that guides the builders hand.

The process of creating Disneyland attractions is lengthy and complex. And yet the artist's role remains pivotal. He or she is responsible for giving initial form to new ideas, for refining concepts through artistic renderings and for providing the inspiration and cohesive vision for turning dreams into reality.

In celebration of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary and the 10th Anniversary of the Ryman Foundation for Young Artists, the Disney Gallery, located above the Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland, is pleased to present the art of Herbert Dickens Ryman in release of his autobiography "A Brush with Disney".


迪士尼乐园已看到50萨默斯及格游行以来,其闸首开1955年7月17日。 45萨默斯的花车巡游及烟花汇演,米奇与美妮,在意大利接待的人来自世界各地。


有时是很难记得以前有一个迪士尼乐园...当时只是一个理想和梦想的一个人-华特迪d isney.the理想和梦想的,是可能与一些空洞的素描垫,画布和几个三明治。据这些第一次"写生" , "最幸福的地方,在地球上"提供了沃尔特和罗伊迪斯尼的能力,以确保必要的财政支持,以兴建迪斯尼乐园。


这是一个虚拟的"杰作" ,在决策。几乎每平方英寸的迪士尼乐园-每一幢建筑物,街道角落,吸引商店内部-事实上,每一小细节,从灯柱到垃圾桶空罐灵感来自绘画,绘画作品或雕塑.. .它是艺术家的眼光指导建设者之手。


为庆祝迪士尼乐园的50周年和10周年的ryman基金会为年轻艺术家,迪士尼画廊,位于上方加勒比海盗在迪士尼乐园,高兴地出席了艺术的赫伯特狄更斯ryman在释放他的自传"刷与迪斯尼" 。
第1个回答  2007-12-08


这座超级乐园耗资1700万美元,每天需要2500名工人维护,预计每年可吸引500万名游客。它地处阿纳海姆 (加利福尼亚州),是世界上构思最精巧的游乐公园。园内共有四个区域:冒险世界、西部边疆、童话世界和未来世界。大人和孩子同样喜爱这个乐园,它每年吸引几百万游客来到这里。1967年(迪斯尼死后一年),开始动工兴建迪斯尼乐园在东海岸的姊妹乐园-佛罗里达州奥兰多的华尔-迪斯尼世界