
摘要:目的 小儿环状韧带松弛会造成上尺桡关节脱位的假象.方法 :采用 右尺骨切开复位及时关节屈曲石膏外固定治疗.结果 :术后二周复查X线片桡骨头与肱骨小头不相对,与健侧对照拍X线片桡骨干纵轴线上延亦未通过肱骨小头中央.结论:小儿尺骨上段骨折伴桡骨头与肱骨小头不相对时应加拍健侧对 照片以防误诊

Summary: purpose. The looseness of Circle ligament of children may cause a feint of dislocation of the upper radioulnar joint.
Method: disection and relocate the ulna. Then bend the joint and fix it with plaster.
Result: the X-ray photo taken two weeks after the operation shows the upper end of the radio- is dislocated from the shoulder bone Comparing with the other healthy arm, the X-ray photo shows the extended line of the radio-'s y-axis does not go through the center of the smaller lower joint of the shoulder bone.
Conclusion: when child's upper ulna breaks with the upper radiojoint dislocation from the shoulder bone, the doctor should take X-ray photo of the other healthy arm for comparision to avoid misdiagnosis.