
http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/327005409.html 这里的问题,一样的,答了这个那个分也给,多谢了,很急,麻烦各位了

我参考愤怒的小鸟对这些小鸟的官方翻译和4399介绍翻译的 有些是意译 那个问题我已经回答
来自 大科学 团队
红色小鸟 red bird
外貌appearance:红色 red
长项advantage:这种小鸟适合攻击猪堡中的木材结构!it is adept at attacking wood structure.
弱项weakness:没有明显的特技,打铁块效果不强 no weakness except not good at attacking iron
red bird is brave but normal, you only need to shoot it and hit the target
绿色的小小鸟(官方翻译blue bird)
外貌:蓝色,体型小 blue small
技能:分身术,会分成三个,个体大小不变 can be divided into 3 birds in same sizes
技能触发方式 skill triggering mode:发射小鸟后,在接触到猪堡之前,鼠标单击屏幕
click screen once to trigger the skill
长项:擅长消灭冰 good at destroying ice
弱项:对砖块无可奈何 cannot do damage to bricks
This small birds than other bird, but it has a magical wand places at once! Launched into the air at the time by clicking on the screen, a bird will be divided into three rushed to the Fort pig! As long as the time control the avatar, avatar at the right time to achieve a very good attack effect! Most suitable for this angry birds attack the glass structure at Fort pig!
黄色的三角形鸟yellow bird
外貌:黄,体型是三角形形状 yellow triangle
技能:加速,撞击力增强 acceleration
click screen once to trigger the skill
长项:消灭木头 destroy wood
弱项:冰 ice
when you click on the screen and the bird accelerates, its power improved. The time when you click the screen is important.
黑色的炸弹鸟black bird
外貌:黑,而且又大又圆 black big round
技能:爆炸 explode
click screen once to trigger the skill
长项:便于对付砖块,杀伤力大 good at attacking bricks
弱项:木头 wood
The bird can explode with great power. But also be sure you use the skill at the right time--use it to attack bricks.
巾帼英雄white bird
外貌:白色,体型偏大 white and big
技能:下蛋,下蛋后本体飞的高 lay egg, fly away after laying egg
click screen once to trigger the skill
长项:下蛋,炸木头和砖块 lay egg, attack wood and bricks
弱项:下蛋后飞走 fly away after laying egg
They are ladies and can lay eggs, actually they are laying bombs. remember to fly high in case of not laying egg.
大嘴鸟(官方翻译 green bird)
外貌:绿色,又加大大的尖嘴 green, big bill
技能:回旋 rotation
长项:木头,可后方打击敌人 wood , can attack enemy from their rear area
弱项:砖块 bricks
They are just like boomerang, so they can attack enemy from their rear area. Time is also important.

太晚了 有的地方承认翻译的不太好 见谅