


On December 11, 2006, our country finished for 5 years "thetransition-period", starts comprehensively to fulfill to World TradeOrganization's pledge. This will mean our country financecomprehensively will melt into the world finance system, our countrybanking industry launches the comprehensive competition with theforeign capital bank. The foreign capital silver about to by its richexperience, the fine service, the remarkable management brings thehuge impact and the challenge for our country banking industry. Ourcountry bank system must step up to consummate greets the brutalcompetition. In recent years, our country accelerates to thestate-owned four big commercial bank to carry on the joint stocksystem reform, and goes on the market one after another, consummatesthe bank system and expands the scale. This article carries on theanalysis and the summary to our country banking industry's developmentpresent situation and the existence question, simultaneously proposedthe corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion to our countrybanking industry's development.
回答者:jss111 - 助理 二级 11-8 14:04

As long as a tiled wall is sound, you can paint it with a special-purpose primer and a compatable gloss paint.Wash the surface thoroughley with warm water and detergent solution.Then apply the primer with a synthetic brush.Let it dry in a steam-free environment for a full 16 hrs.Than use a natural-bristle brush to apply the oil-base gloss paint.

回答者:en_love - 试用期 一级 11-8 14:05

On December 11 in 2006, the our country will end 5- years" transition period", starting to implement the commitment that organizes to the world trade completely.This means that the our country finance melts completely into financial system in world, our country the banking will launch the overall competition with the foreign capital bank.The foreign capital bank will bring huge impact and challenges for the our country banking with its the experience, good service, outstanding management for enrich.The our country bank system must step up perfect with greet the ruthlessness competition.In the last few years, our country the acceleration carries on the share system reform to state-owned four greatest commercial banks, and appear on market continuously, with the perfect bank system and strengthen large-scale.The development present condition and existent problems of the banking of this text to our country carry on the analysis and summaries, at the same time to our country the development of the banking put forward the homologous counterplan and suggestions.
回答者:黎志杰 - 魔法师 五级 11-8 14:11


December 11th, 2006, our nation will conclude the duration of five year's "transitional period", begin to implement the promise to the World Trade Organisation. This implies that our finance will be fully integrated into the financial world's financial system, our banking industry will face comprehensive competitions with foreign banks. Overseas investment banks with a wealth of experience, excellent service, and predominant management will bring enormous challenges to our banking industry where facing great impact is inevitable. Our banking system must step up the efforts to improve and amend in order to meet the fiercest competition. In recent years, our nation have accelerated our four major commercial banks to reform and advances in its shares system, in order to come into market with succession and meet the requirement of our banking system's grand perfection.
This text is to analyze and summarize the development and existent problems of the banking insdutry in modern society, at the same time, it provide corresponding countermeasures and advice to the development of our banking system.
回答者:竹林为家 - 江湖新秀 四级 11-8 14:34

On December 11, 2006, our country will finish its five-year "transition period", and begin to fulfil the commitments to World Trade Organization in an all-round way. This means the finance of our country will incorporate the financial system in the world in an all-round way, the banking of our country will launch the overall competition with the foreign capitals bank. The foreign capitals bank will bring enormous impact and challenge to banking of our country by their abundant experience, fine service, remarkable management. The bank system of our country must be stepped up improving in order to meet the cruel competition. In recent years, our country accelerates carrying on the shareholding system reform to the state-owned four major commercial banks, and is listed successively, in order to improve the bank system and strengthen the scale. Current situation of the development and existing problem of this article for banking of our country are analyzed and summarized, put forward corresponding countermeasure and suggestion to the development of the banking of our country at the same time.

回答者:befriends01 - 举人 四级 11-8 15:43

2006Year December 11, the our country will end 5- years" transition period", starting to implement the commitment that organizes to the world trade completely.这意味着我国金融将全面融入世界金融体系,我国银行业将与外资银行展开全面的竞争。The foreign capital bank will bring huge impact and challenges for the our country banking with its the experience, good service, outstanding management for enrich.我国银行体系必须加紧完善以迎接残酷的竞争。In the last few years, the our country accelerates to carry on the share system reform to the state-owned four greatest commercial bankses, and appear on market continuously, with the perfect bank system and strengthen large-scale.本文对我国的银行业的发展现状和存在的问题进行分析和总结,同时对我国银行业的发展提出了相应的对策和建议。
回答者:ZHQH168 - 见习魔法师 三级 11-8 18:08

December 11th, 2006, our nation will conclude the duration of five year's "transitional period", begin to implement the promise to the World Trade Organisation. This implies that our finance will be fully integrated into the financial world's financial system, our banking industry will face comprehensive competitions with foreign banks. Overseas investment banks with a wealth of experience, excellent service, and predominant management will bring enormous challenges to our banking industry where facing great impact is inevitable. Our banking system must step up the efforts to improve and amend in order to meet the fiercest competition. In recent years, our nation have accelerated our four major commercial banks to reform and advances in its shares system, in order to come into market with succession and meet the requirement of our banking system's grand perfection.
This text is to analyze and summarize the development and existent problems of the banking insdutry in modern society, at the same time, it provide corresponding countermeasures and advice to the development of our banking system.
回答者:银河在天 - 见习魔法师 二级 11-8 18:29

On december 11th,2006,china will end the transitional period of five years,and perform the promise to the WTO completly. This means that the finance of China will mix with that of the world's,banks of overseas will compitete with our banks sharply.They will chanllege and influence us by plentiful experience,nice servise and remarkable management. Our bank systerm must make it prefect,and face to the fierce competitions. In recent years,the government has accelerate the reform of the four national banks in their stocks,and had appear on stock market in order to enlarge the scale and make it perfect. The passage analyzise that the development of banks and problems in which it exists, and give us a summary of bank systerm, it also give us an advise and tactics on it.

回答者:2046jpf - 助理 二级 11-8 20:08

China's "Transitional stage" lasting for five years will end up on Dec.11,2006, then it begins to fulfill its obligations to WTO (World Trade Organization) comprehensively.

第1个回答  2006-11-08

December 11 is the fifth anniversary of China's entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the deadline for Beijing to fulfil its final commitments. These include opening up retail banking to foreign competition for the first time, and the integration of our financial service sector into the international one. Foreign-funded banks will pose a significant threat to the domestic banks by its merits in terms of capital, quality, experience, service and management. In order to meet the above challenges and not to be extinguished from the market, domestic banks should manage their business independently. In the last few years, through transformation to joint stock ownership, the four major state-owned commercial banks has successfully dissolved bad assets and strengthened their management.
This article aims to analyze and summarize the current development as well as the intrinsic problems of the China banking system. The corresponding measures and practical solutions will also be discussed.


本来有打算第一句用「December 11 marks the end of the "transition period" of China's entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which on the other hand, also signifies the beginning of its fulfilment of its final commitments.」开始,但看了几篇英文关於这方面的文章,都没有人以「过渡期」来形容这五年的期间,所以才以现在的版本开始。两句语法上都是行的,随你喜欢用那一句吧。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-11-08
China's "Transitional stage" lasting for five years will end up on Dec.11,2006, then it begins to fulfill its obligations to WTO (World Trade Organization) comprehensively.

This means that finance of China will fully integrate into world financial system, and the banks of China will compete with foreign-funded banks all-round way.

Foreign-funded banks will bring strong impacts and challenges to China banking depending on their abundant experiences, excellent service, and prominent management.

China's bank-based system must accelerate its consummating steps to meet the ruthless competition.

In recent years, China accelerates the Joint-stock Reform of the top four state-owned commercial banks.

This paper analyzed and concluded the developmental status and exsisting problems of China banking, at the same time, it put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to the development of China banking.


China's "Transitional stage" lasting for five years will end up on Dec.11,2006, then it begins to fulfill its obligations to WTO comprehensively. This means that finance of China will fully integrate into world financial system, and the banks of China will compete with foreign-funded banks all-round way. Foreign-funded banks will bring strong impacts and challenges to China banking depending on their abundant experiences, excellent services, and prominent managements, therfore, China's bank system must accelerate its perfecting steps to meet the ruthless competition.In recent years, China accelerates the Joint-stock Reform of the top four state-owned commercial banks.
This paper analyzed and concluded the developmental status and exsisting problems of China banking, at the same time, it put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to the development of China banking.
第3个回答  2006-11-11
On December 11, 2006, our country finished for 5 years "thetransition-period", starts comprehensively to fulfill to World TradeOrganization's pledge. This will mean our country financecomprehensively will melt into the world finance system, our countrybanking industry launches the comprehensive competition with theforeign capital bank. The foreign capital silver about to by its richexperience, the fine service, the remarkable management brings thehuge impact and the challenge for our country banking industry. Ourcountry bank system must step up to consummate greets the brutalcompetition. In recent years, our country accelerates to thestate-owned four big commercial bank to carry on the joint stocksystem reform, and goes on the market one after another, consummatesthe bank system and expands the scale. This article carries on theanalysis and the summary to our country banking industry's developmentpresent situation and the existence question, simultaneously proposedthe corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion to our countrybanking industry's development.
回答者:jss111 - 助理 二级 11-8 14:04

As long as a tiled wall is sound, you can paint it with a special-purpose primer and a compatable gloss paint.Wash the surface thoroughley with warm water and detergent solution.Then apply the primer with a synthetic brush.Let it dry in a steam-free environment for a full 16 hrs.Than use a natural-bristle brush to apply the oil-base gloss paint.

回答者:en_love - 试用期 一级 11-8 14:05

On December 11 in 2006, the our country will end 5- years" transition period", starting to implement the commitment that organizes to the world trade completely.This means that the our country finance melts completely into financial system in world, our country the banking will launch the overall competition with the foreign capital bank.The foreign capital bank will bring huge impact and challenges for the our country banking with its the experience, good service, outstanding management for enrich.The our country bank system must step up perfect with greet the ruthlessness competition.In the last few years, our country the acceleration carries on the share system reform to state-owned four greatest commercial banks, and appear on market continuously, with the perfect bank system and strengthen large-scale.The development present condition and existent problems of the banking of this text to our country carry on the analysis and summaries, at the same time to our country the development of the banking put forward the homologous counterplan and suggestions.
回答者:黎志杰 - 魔法师 五级 11-8 14:11


December 11th, 2006, our nation will conclude the duration of five year's "transitional period", begin to implement the promise to the World Trade Organisation. This implies that our finance will be fully integrated into the financial world's financial system, our banking industry will face comprehensive competitions with foreign banks. Overseas investment banks with a wealth of experience, excellent service, and predominant management will bring enormous challenges to our banking industry where facing great impact is inevitable. Our banking system must step up
第4个回答  2006-11-09
“过渡期”- transition period / transitory stage,transition period较为惯用。
我国 - 直接用China,很可能这翻译是给外国人看的。
对世贸组织的承诺 - pledge made to World Trade Organization / obligations pledged to WTO
融入世界金融体系 - integrated into the global financial system
外资银行 - foreign-funded banks / foreign banks,本人较倾向foreign banks
银行体系 - bank system / banking system,本人较倾向banking system
股份制改革 - structural reform of stock ownership / reform structure of stock ownership / reform the stock ownership structure
陆续上市 - public listings in succession
完善银行体系和壮大规模 - improve the banking system and expand its scale
对策和建议 - countermeasures and suggestions / counterplans and advice

China's five-year "transition period" upon its admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will come to an end on December 11, 2006, signifying China's beginning to fully commit to her obligations pledged to WTO. This implies that the Chinese financial system will be fully integrated into the global financial system, and the Chinese banking industry will face across-the-board competition from foreign banks. The rich experience, quality service and remarkable management of foreign banks will bring huge impacts and great challenges to the Chinese banking industry. Facing the impending fierce competition, China will need to step up her efforts to beef up her Chinese banking industry. In recent years, China, in her efforts to improving and expanding her banking system, has accelerated her pace on reforming the stock ownership structure of the four state-owned commercial banks, thereby leading to their public listings in succession.
This article carries out the analysis and summary of the current developments and prevailing problems of the Chinese banking industry, and simultaneously proposes some countermeasures and suggestions for the Chinese banking industry on its development.
