

在日常工作中要保持团队精神和凝聚力,沟通是一个重要环节。 In their daily work to maintain the team spirit and cohesion, communication is an important part. 有了比较畅通的沟通渠道,频繁的信息交流,团队成员之间就不会有压抑的感觉,工作就容易出成效,目标就能顺利实现。 Have a relatively smooth channels of communication, frequent exchange of information between team members would not have the feeling of depression, work is easy to produce good results, the target can be smoothly achieved. 因此学会与他人沟通,学会与他人合作对每个员工都十分重要。 So learn to communicate with others and learn to work with others is very important for each employee. 然而,英语文化有着强调人的个性发展。 However, English culture has emphasized the development of human personality. 鼓励个人奋斗,表现自我,实现自我价值的传统,于是各大公司企业高度重视团队建设,飞蛾分开办各种培训班,组织各种活动,让团队合作的理念深入人心。 Encourage individuals to strive to express themselves and realize the tradition of self-worth, so the major companies attach great importance to team-building, moths points offer various training courses, organizing various activities, so deeply rooted concept of teamwork. 合作性的活动有利于发展人际交往和沟通能力,形成团队集体意识。 Cooperative activities conducive to the development of interpersonal and communication skills, the formation of the team collective consciousness. 通过团队合作,员工之间以个自己的优势进行互补。 Through teamwork among staff to complement the advantages of their own. 一方面员工有机会充分发挥自己的才华,另一方面员工之间又形成一种合作的默契,推动整个创造性过程的发展。 The one hand, employees have the opportunity to give full play to their talents, the other co-operation between employees and the formation of a tacit understanding, and promote the development of the creative process. 这样,企业的潜在的创造力才能得到充分发挥,企业的整体目标才能顺利地实现。 Thus, the potential of creative enterprises to get full play, the enterprise can successfully achieve the overall goal.
第1个回答  2010-10-13
for reference:
remember that keep strong team sprits and rallying power in daily work,and hold the view that communication is also a vital aspect.once we build a barrier-free communication environment,we could exchange information frequently and conveniently,in that situation,membership in the team could be improved obviously,and team member won't feel the sense of depression,accordingly it would become easy to fulfill the aim/expectation.From this view point,it is rather urgent and important for every staff to command the skills of communication and coorperation with others.However,west english culture attach more importance on the self-development of individual(maybe we also call it heroism),it is used to stress/emphasize self-struggle/effort,self-expression,and self-fulfillment,as a result, numerous companies began to concentrate on the construction of team,for example, they set up various training course and orgnize kinds of activity,just for the sake of strengthening the logos of teamwork in staff's consciousness.The activity with the coorperation feature is helpful to improve participant's social relationship and communication skills,which could cultivate their team-sprits.staff could learn from each other's advantage through team work. In one hand, they could show their potential as much as possible,in the other hand, the convinient situation could be formed gradually, which is rather positive to the development of the whole pocess of creativity in the company.In this way,the inherent creativity of the company will be achieved to much extent,and the common goal of the company could be realized smoothly.
第2个回答  2010-10-13
On our everyday work to be team spirit and cohesiveness, communication is an important link. a more open channels of communication, information and communication and team members will not have the feeling that the work was easily out, and goals can be smoothly implemented. thus learn to communicate with others, and to cooperate with others to every employee is very important. however, the english culture is that man's personality development. encourage individuals to fight, and self-worth and the company business and attach great importance to the team, the moth for the various training courses, organize various events that the popular concept of teamwork. cooperative activities can develop interpersonal and communication skills and team collective consciousness. in teamwork, employees with an advantage for complementary. one of the staff the opportunity to fully display their talents between the staff and form a co-operative understanding and promoting the development of the creative process.Such, the creative potential can only be fulfilled, the overall objective will grow smoothly.