

To give is always happier than to take./It is always happier to give than to take.

In the world, there is no hopeless/despairing situation,but a hopeless/despairing mood.

You should be happy,be carefree, be tough and be warm,which has nothing to do with your personality.

第1个回答  2009-03-27
It is always happier to give than to take.
There is no despairing situation, but only despairing mood.
Be happy, be optimistic, be tough, be warm. These are not related to characters.
第2个回答  2009-03-27
1. It is always happier to give than to take.

2. There is no hopeless situation, but only hopeless mind.

3. We should be happy, be cheerful, be strong, and be warm, which has nothing to do with characteristics.
第3个回答  2009-03-27
1 to take pleasure than ever. (2) there is no hopeless situation, the mood is despair. 3. To be happy, be cheerful, perseverant, with independent personality. This...
第4个回答  2009-03-27
1 It is happier to give than to take.
2 There is no desperate situation but desperate mind.