
The Great Wall ofChina has a long history of more than two
Thousand years.It walks form the east to the west in Northern
China.It’s aboud6000 kilomtres long.It’s called“The Thousand
LI Great Wall” by the Chinese people.
The Great Wall is aboud 7 metres high.In many places it is
wide enough for ten men to walk side by side along the top.
Horses can run along the top,too.Along the Great Wall there
are tall and strong watchtowers(烽火台). The Great Wall was
made of stones and bricks(砖块).Threre are big stones on
both sides and on the top.
To build such a great wall over the mountains and down the
valley(山谷)was not at all easy.When you look at the Great Wall,
you can’t help(情不自禁)wondering how the Chinese working
people were able to build it without any modern machines.
They did all the workwith their hands.They lifted the earth
In baskets and pulled the stones in groups with ropes(绳子).
They worked in such wild(野外的)places that it was difficult
to give them enough clothes to wear.Thousands of people died
by hard work and hunger.Many people were driven to work on
the wall far away from their homes and they never came back.
Now in some places the wall has fallen. We are trying to
repair it.As an old building,the Great Wall of China is know
to the whole world.Every year thousands of people come to
visit it from all over the world.It is a monument to the strong
will(意愿)and hard work of the Chinese people.


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26